Spreading fake news will disable WhatsApp

Spreading fake news will disable WhatsApp

Millions of people around the world are using the WhatsApp processor. WhatsApp is now the most used form for exchanging any text messages, phone calls, text messages and first and foremost.

Meanwhile, 20 lakh WhatsApp accounts were reported to have been disabled in October alone. Here are 8 reasons why WhatsApp accounts were disabled

Important Do's and Don'ts ....

If you identify another person first and use the WhatsApp account you will be disabled.

Next, you will be disabled if you continue to send short messages to a number that is not in your contact list.

You will be disabled even if you are using other third party processors such as WhatsApp Delta, GBWhatsApp, WhatsApp Plus other than the actual processor of WhatsApp.

Your account will be disabled if many users block your account.

Even if many people complain about harassment, your WhatsApp account will still be disabled.

Even if you share unwanted malware links, your account will be disabled.

Sending pornographic cases, threats or defamatory text messages will also disable the account.

Lastly, there is no doubt that spreading fake news, sharing videos, etc. will cripple the account.

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