Enemies will teach us many things. We can only gain strength if we learn them.

Enemies will teach us many things. We can only gain strength if we learn them.

Kabirdas, a monk, said: 'Enemies are my mentors. They motivate me to correct myself and make me live a fully human life. So I don't want to live in a world without enemies.' This statement applies to all human beings. If we do not have enemies, we do not know our faults.

It is our enemies who help us to be aware of what criticism we will receive at any time. So we become aware of everything we do. The idea that some people are watching us also makes us work better in everything. In that way, enemies are a trigger to increase our skills. Each of us always needs a trigger. It is the stimulus that helps us not to sit down somewhere tired.

A king without enemies has no victory. Such people have no place in history either. All the fame of a king is due to his enemies. One's bravery and wisdom are proclaimed only in the presence of enemies. If so, the enemies are revered!

When you celebrate your friends, you should also think about your enemies. Both should be looked at and predicted. Then you will see that the results from the enemy are greater than the results of friends. When you feel stressed about someone as an enemy,

 if you count the benefits of the old enemy, the stress will be relieved.  'If there is no competition in any industry, no new ideas will arise,' said noted businessman JRD Tata. Those who are not prepared to meet their enemies will never be able to achieve success. If you ask big industrialists, they know a lot about their enemies. They tell a lot of stories about them.

In the early days, the locks made by Godrej were lifted and sidelined as useless. They did not give up their business for that. After days of trying, they adopted a variety of new techniques and made locks with a new dimension, modern technology. No other key could open the locks they had made.

They used other keys to open their locks and announced a gift. The locks were too much for anyone to receive the prize. Doing an action for a bus, overcoming many objections and doing it in full swing has different benefits.

But one fact must be accepted by all. No one can love enemies. You can't call them and feast that I'm the one who rose. At the same time, you can at least avoid being stressed by thinking of them.  Make sure that I live in front of your enemies better than they are now, without hurting them. When you make sure, there are a variety of new ways. Effort will come before us. That is the way to success.

There will be flaws in what we do. Friends around us are reluctant to make those grievances. But the enemies will say those grievances without hesitation. If we try to address grievances without regretting it, we can refine ourselves.

No one's grievances are permanent. It is only when our enemies try to show us as heroes before that our talents come out of us.  Did you know that the man who was tearing up tickets in the theatre shed was the theatre writer whom the world 
admires because of his enemies?

He saw a play and reviewed sakatumeni. The famous theatre actor was so upset that he said, 'What do you know? What great playwright are you?' he asked, blaming him. It was because of that enemy that the writer within him emerged. Do you know who he is? He's Shakespeare!

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